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Vulnerability Policies

Vulnerability assessment provides the ability to scan, identify, and report vulnerabilities found in the operating system software packages in hosts or Docker container images. After you install the Lacework agent on hosts or integrate a container registry in Lacework, Lacework scans the hosts or container images in the registry repositories for software packages with known vulnerabilities, and reports them. For information about vulnerability assessments, see Container Vulnerability Assessment Overview and Host Vulnerability Assessment Overview.

Vulnerability assessment policies are designed to help define organization-specific risk management and to notify you of critical software risk items within your monitored infrastructure. These policies apply to hosts and containers only and cannot be modified to apply to processes, users, etc.

The following table specifies the default vulnerability policies.


A known vulnerability is one that already exists in Lacework's vulnerability (CVE) sources.

A vulnerability/CVE in Lacework is defined as: "CVE ID + Package Name + OS/Language".

For example, CVE-12345 openssl debian:8 will be different from CVE-12345 openssl ubuntu:20.04.

Host Vulnerability Default Policies

Policy IDAlert Generated by PolicyDescription
LW_VULN_102New Security VulnerabilityA new vulnerability (it is new to Lacework's vulnerability/CVE sources) was discovered for the first time across all monitored hosts.
LW_VULN_103Known Security VulnerabilityA known vulnerability was detected for a defined severity level on a monitored host. This is the first time that the vulnerability has been seen in your environment across all hosts.
LW_VULN_104Severity changes for Security VulnerabilityA vulnerability severity change was detected within monitored hosts.
LW_VULN_105A Fix available for Security VulnerabilityA software vulnerability patch status change was detected within monitored hosts.

Container Vulnerability Default Policies

Policy IDAlert Generated by PolicyDescription
LW_VULN_53New Security VulnerabilityA new vulnerability (it is new to Lacework's vulnerability/CVE sources) was discovered for the first time across all monitored repositories.
LW_VULN_54Known Security VulnerabilityA known vulnerability was detected within monitored repositories for a defined severity level. This is the first time that the vulnerability has been seen in your environment in any monitored repository.

The related alert will only trigger once when the known vulnerability is detected for the first time in one or more monitored repositories.
LW_VULN_55New Security Vulnerability in RepositoryA known vulnerability was found within a monitored repository for the first time.

The related alert will trigger once for each new repository the known vulnerability is found in.
LW_VULN_56Severity changes for Security VulnerabilityA vulnerability severity change was detected within monitored repositories.
LW_VULN_57A Fix available for Security VulnerabilityA software vulnerability patch status change was detected within monitored repositories.

First Vulnerability Detection versus First Vulnerability Detection in a Repository Alert Behavior (LW_VULN_54 and LW_VULN_55)

If a known vulnerability/CVE is introduced into any image in each repository on the same day at the same time:

  • One alert for LW_VULN_54 and one or more alerts for LW_VULN_55 will be generated.
    • LW_VULN_54 will state that this is the first time the known vulnerability has been seen in your repositories, and will reference all repositories where it has been found.
    • LW_VULN_55 will state that this is the first time the known vulnerability has been seen in the repository, and will reference the specific repository it was found in. Multiple alerts for LW_VULN_55 are generated for each repository that the known vulnerability is found in.

Alternatively, if a known vulnerability is found in a single repository on day 1:

  • One alert for LW_VULN_54 and one alert for LW_VULN_55 will be generated.

If the same known vulnerability is found in a different repository on day 2:

  • One alert for LW_VULN_55 is generated.

Parameters for Vulnerability Policies (Prefix: LW_VULN)

You set and modify query conditions in custom vulnerability policies. The following table lists the parameters available for the conditions in vulnerability policies. For general information on editing policies, see Edit Custom Policies.

CVEStringEnter the CVE ID full name(s), such as CVE-2019-01234, CVE-2019-5678. You can specify multiple values in one line separated by a comma. Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) is a dictionary that provides definitions for publicly disclosed cybersecurity vulnerabilities and exposures.
CVE severityStringEnter the CVE severity or severities, such as Critical or High. You can specify multiple values separated by a comma. This policy would generate an alert with the specified severities only. The severity is derived from the CVSS rating score. Valid values are None, Low, Medium, High, and Critical.
Image activeNumberEnter 0 for false, meaning the image is not active. Enter 1 for true, meaning the image is active.
Image privilegedNumberEnter 0 for false, meaning the image is not privileged. Enter 1 for true, meaning the image is privileged.
Image repoStringEnter the image repository, such as lacework/myrepo123. A container image repository is a collection of related container images.
Image tagsStringEnter the image tag(s). A typical tag could look like DATE_BRANCH_RANDOM_ID, such as 2019-10-10_master_db0dd95. You can specify multiple values separated by a comma. A tag is a label applied to an image so that different images or versions of the same image can be identified.
Host nameStringEnter the host name, such as myhostname.
Machine tagsStringSelect existing machine tags from the drop-down menu. Or enter new machine tags in the indicated format key->value.
MidNumberEnter the machine ID, a unique identifier from the agent, such as 1234.
Package activeNumberEnter 0 for false, meaning the package is not active. Enter 1 for true, meaning the package is active.
Package nameStringEnter the name of the software package, such as vim.
Package namespaceStringEnter the namespace associated with the package, such as ubuntu:18.04.
Package versionStringSpecify the package version, such as 2.20.9-0ubuntu7.14.