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Integrate with Kubernetes Admission Controller


The Kubernetes Admission Controller acts as the last checkpoint before images are deployed (rather than at runtime or build). Use our ValidatingAdmissionWebhook with the Kubernetes Admission Controller to automatically scan images for vulnerabilities during continuous deployment.

Install our Proxy Scanner and Webhook together in your Kubernetes cluster to allow communication between Lacework and the Admission Controller.

Once integrated, you can view the vulnerabilities found on all images deployed.


Kubernetes Admission Controller - Operational Workflow

Supported Kubernetes Versions

  • 1.20
  • 1.21
  • 1.22
  • 1.23
  • 1.24
  • 1.25
  • 1.26
  • 1.27

All patch versions are supported for these releases.

Default Scanning Quotas

See Proxy Scanner Default Scanning Quotas.


Choose your installation method first as some prerequisite steps will change depending on your chosen method.

Once you have selected your installation method, complete the following prerequisites:

  1. Provide or generate the TLS/SSL certificates that are used during installation.
  2. Prepare the Proxy Scanner configuration that is used during installation.
  3. Consider Kubernetes workload resources that you want to exclude from vulnerability scans.

Installation Methods

Choose one of the following installation methods for the Proxy Scanner and Webhook:

Helm Charts help you define, install, and upgrade Kubernetes applications.

Create TLS/SSL Certificates

Secure communication between the Admission Controller Webhook and the Kubernetes API server by providing Base64 encoded certificates for the Webhook. Choose from one of the following options:

You can also choose to secure communication between the Proxy Scanner and Admission Controller Webhook by providing Base64 encoded certificates for the Proxy Scanner. This is optional though.


The lacework namespace should be used when installing the Admission Controller Webhook and Proxy Scanner.

If integrating with EKS Fargate, make sure the lacework namespace is added to your Fargate profile:

eksctl create fargateprofile \
--cluster <fargate_cluster_name> \
--name <fargate_profile_name> \
--namespace lacework

If you want to deploy in a different namespace, ensure that the domain of the Subject Alternative Names in your certificates are adjusted accordingly.

Option 1: Provide Your Own Certificates

Provide your own Base64 encoded certificates for the Admission Controller Webhook.

  1. Create these files for the following properties or values during installation:

    File to useEntries in values.yaml or Helm entry
    Webhook Root CA<base64_webhook_ca.crt>
    Webhook server certificate<base64_webhook.crt>
    Webhook server key<base64_webhook.key>

    The Kubernetes documentation provides guidance for creating certificates manually.

  2. Ensure to include the following DNS names for the Admission Controller Webhook:

    Example for Certificate Signing Request (CSR) config file entry
    [ alt_names ]
    DNS.1 = lacework-admission-controller.lacework.svc
    DNS.2 = lacework-admission-controller.lacework.svc.cluster.local
    DNS.3 = admission.lacework-dev.svc
    DNS.4 = admission.lacework-dev.svc.cluster.local
    DNS.5 = lacework-proxy-scanner.lacework.svc
    DNS.6 = lacework-proxy-scanner.lacework.svc.cluster.local
    DNS.7 = lacework-proxy-scanner.lacework

    The DNS.5, DNS.6, and DNS.7 entries are only required if you are using the same certificates for traffic between the Admission Controller and Proxy Scanner.

  3. Encode the certificates in Base64 format before using them:

    cat <webhook_ca.crt> | base64 | tr -d '\n' > <base64_webhook_ca.crt> \
    cat <webhook.crt> | base64 | tr -d '\n' > <base64_webhook.crt> \
    cat <webhook.key> | base64 | tr -d '\n' > <base64_webhook.key>
Proxy Scanner Certificates (Optional)

Provide your own Base64 encoded certificates for the Proxy Scanner.

  1. Create these files for the following properties or values during installation:

    File to useEntries in values.yaml or Helm entry
    Proxy Scanner Root CA<base64_scanner_ca.crt>
    Proxy Scanner server certificate<base64_scanner.crt>
    Proxy Scanner server key<base64_scanner.key>
  2. Ensure to include the following DNS names for the Proxy Scanner:

    Example for Certificate Signing Request (CSR) config file entry
    [ alt_names ]
    DNS.1 = lacework-admission-controller.lacework.svc
    DNS.2 = lacework-admission-controller.lacework.svc.cluster.local
    DNS.3 = admission.lacework-dev.svc
    DNS.4 = admission.lacework-dev.svc.cluster.local
    DNS.5 = lacework-proxy-scanner.lacework.svc
    DNS.6 = lacework-proxy-scanner.lacework.svc.cluster.local
    DNS.7 = lacework-proxy-scanner.lacework
  3. Encode the certificates in Base64 format before using them:

    cat <scanner_ca.crt> | base64 | tr -d '\n' > <base64_scanner_ca.crt> \
    cat <scanner.crt> | base64 | tr -d '\n' > <base64_scanner.crt> \
    cat <scanner.key> | base64 | tr -d '\n' > <base64_scanner.key>

Option 2: Generate Certificates Using the Script in the Lacework Helm Charts Repository

  1. Get the latest copy of the Admission Controller from the Lacework Helm Charts repository


    If using Helm, you can pull the repository directly using helm pull lacework/admission-controller.

    The file will be in the format of admission-controller-<version>.tgz.

  2. Extract the script:

    tar -xvf admission-controller-*.tgz \

    This extracts the script to a subdirectory named 'admission-controller' in your current working directory.

  3. Run the script to generate the certificates:

    cd admission-controller
    chmod u+x
  4. Use these generated files for the following properties or values during installation:

    File to useEntries in values.yaml or Helm entry
Generate the Proxy Scanner certificates (Optional)

You can reuse the same certificates for the Proxy Scanner if you generated them for the Webhook:

File to useEntries in values.yaml or Helm entry
ca.crt_b64 (same as the Webhook Root CA)<base64_scanner_ca.crt>

Configure the Proxy Scanner

Configure the Proxy Scanner to authenticate with Lacework and automatically initiate scans prior to deployment. This also allows container vulnerability policies to be evaluated during scans. Scan results are then sent to the Admission Controller prior to pod deployment.

During installation of the Proxy Scanner, the values.yaml file will need to be provided. This section explains how to prepare this file depending on your installation method.


If choosing the manual installation method, a template of values.yaml is downloaded as part of the installation and does not need to be prepared in advance.

Proxy Scanner Config for Combined Helm Chart

When installing the Webhook and Proxy Scanner in a Combined Helm Chart, create the values.yaml file in advance by using the following blank template of the proxy-scanner section:

static_cache_location: /opt/lacework
- domain:
auto_poll: false
poll_frequency_minutes: 20
scan_directory_path: ""

See Configure the Proxy Scanner for on-demand scans for instructions on how to populate the configuration.

There are also example configurations available to view (other authentication types with examples can be found in this section).

Proxy Scanner Config for Separate Helm Charts

When installing the Proxy Scanner and Webhook in Separate Helm Charts, create the values.yaml file in advance by using the following blank template of the config section:

static_cache_location: /opt/lacework
- domain:
auto_poll: false
poll_frequency_minutes: 20
scan_directory_path: ""

See Configure the Proxy Scanner for on-demand scans for instructions on how to populate the configuration.

There are also example configurations available to view (other authentication types with examples can be found in this section).

Exclude Workload Resources


It is highly recommended that all resources except Pod are excluded from scans. All other resources may spawn multiple child resources, and these will cause excessive scanning during the deployment if not excluded.

For example, a CronJob will spawn instances of Jobs, which can also launch Pods. If only CronJob and Job are excluded, then a scan will still be triggered on Pod.

Only remove resources from the exclude list if you are okay with the additional delay that may occur during deployments.

You can exclude Kubernetes Workload Resources from vulnerability scans by adding them to an excluded resources list.

The types of resources that can be excluded from scans are:

  • Pod
  • Deployment
  • ReplicaSet
  • DaemonSet
  • Job
  • CronJob
  • StatefulSet

Edit the values.yaml to Exclude Resources

Exclude resources by adding an admission.excluded_resources field to the values.yaml file for the Admission Controller Webhook configuration.

If not added, the default configuration will exclude all resources except Pod (which is recommended).

The example below is an exhaustive list of all possible resources that can be excluded. Only add the resources that you want to exclude from scanning.

Example entry to exclude all resources
- Pod
- Deployment
- ReplicaSet
- DaemonSet
- Job
- CronJob
- StatefulSet

Where and when to add this field depends on which installation method you have chosen:

Installation Steps

Option 1: Install the Webhook and Proxy Scanner in a Combined Helm Chart

  1. Before you begin, ensure you have all the TLS/SSL certificates in your working directory.

  2. Add the Lacework Helm Charts repository:

    helm repo add lacework
  3. Install and configure the Admission Controller Webhook and Proxy Scanner by using the values.yaml file created earlier:

    helm upgrade --install --create-namespace --namespace lacework \
    --set webhooks.caBundle=`cat <base64_webhook_ca.crt>` \
    --set certs.serverCertificate=`cat <base64_webhook.crt>` \
    --set certs.serverKey=`cat <base64_webhook.key>` \
    --values values.yaml \
    lacework-admission-controller lacework/admission-controller
    • (Optional) If you want to secure communication between the Proxy Scanner and Admission Controller Webhook, include these optional properties:

      --set scanner.skipVerify=false \
      --set scanner.caCert=`cat <base64_scanner_ca.crt>` \
      --set proxy-scanner.certs.skipCert=false \
      --set proxy-scanner.certs.serverCertificate=`cat <base64_scanner.crt>` \
      --set proxy-scanner.certs.serverKey=`cat <base64_scanner.key>` \
      helm upgrade --install --create-namespace --namespace lacework \
      --set webhooks.caBundle=`cat <base64_webhook_ca.crt>` \
      --set certs.serverCertificate=`cat <base64_webhook.crt>` \
      --set certs.serverKey=`cat <base64_webhook.key>` \
      --values values.yaml \
      --set scanner.skipVerify=false \
      --set scanner.caCert=`cat <base64_scanner_ca.crt>` \
      --set proxy-scanner.certs.skipCert=false \
      --set proxy-scanner.certs.serverCertificate=`cat <base64_scanner.crt>` \
      --set proxy-scanner.certs.serverKey=`cat <base64_scanner.key>` \
      lacework-admission-controller lacework/admission-controller

      Alternatively, provide the full Base64 encoded string for each certificate instead of the cat certificateFile command.

    • (Optional) If you want to exclude workload resources from vulnerability scans, ensure you have added the admission.excluded_resources field to the values.yaml file.

  4. Display the pods for verification:

    kubectl get pods -n lacework

Option 2: Install the Proxy Scanner and Webhook in Separate Helm Charts

Install the Proxy Scanner with Helm

  1. Before you begin, ensure you have all the TLS/SSL certificates in your working directory.

  2. Add the Lacework Helm Charts repository:

    helm repo add lacework
  3. Install and configure the Proxy Scanner by using the values.yaml file created earlier:

    helm upgrade --install --create-namespace --namespace lacework \
    --values values.yaml \
    lacework-proxy-scanner lacework/proxy-scanner
    • (Optional) If you want to secure communication between the Proxy Scanner and Admission Controller Webhook, include these optional properties:

      --set certs.skipCert=false \
      --set certs.serverCertificate=`cat <base64_scanner.crt>` \
      --set certs.serverKey=`cat <base64_scanner.key>` \
      helm upgrade --install --create-namespace --namespace lacework \
      --set certs.skipCert=false \
      --set certs.serverCertificate=`cat <base64_scanner.crt>` \
      --set certs.serverKey=`cat <base64_scanner.key>` \
      --values values.yaml \
      lacework-proxy-scanner lacework/proxy-scanner
  4. Display the pods for verification:

    kubectl get pods -n lacework

Install the Admission Controller Webhook With Helm

  1. Before you begin, ensure you have all the TLS/SSL certificates in your working directory.

  2. Install and configure the Admission Controller Webhook:

    helm upgrade --install --create-namespace --namespace lacework \
    --set proxy-scanner.enabled=false \
    --set webhooks.caBundle=`cat <base64_webhook_ca.crt>` \
    --set certs.serverCertificate=`cat <base64_webhook.crt>` \
    --set certs.serverKey=`cat <base64_webhook.key>` \
    lacework-admission-controller lacework/admission-controller
    • (Optional) If you want to exclude workload resources from vulnerability scans, include the values_resources.yaml file that was created earlier.

      --values values_resources.yaml \
      helm upgrade --install --create-namespace --namespace lacework \
      --set proxy-scanner.enabled=false \
      --set webhooks.caBundle=`cat <base64_webhook_ca.crt>` \
      --set certs.serverCertificate=`cat <base64_webhook.crt>` \
      --set certs.serverKey=`cat <base64_webhook.key>` \
      --values values_resources.yaml \
      lacework-admission-controller lacework/admission-controller
    • (Optional) If you want to secure communication between the Proxy Scanner and Admission Controller Webhook, include this optional property:

      --set scanner.caCert=`cat <base64_scanner_ca.crt>` \
      --set scanner.skipVerify=false \
      helm upgrade --install --create-namespace --namespace lacework \
      --set proxy-scanner.enabled=false \
      --set webhooks.caBundle=`cat <base64_webhook_ca.crt>` \
      --set certs.serverCertificate=`cat <base64_webhook.crt>` \
      --set certs.serverKey=`cat <base64_webhook.key>` \
      --set scanner.caCert=`cat <base64_scanner_ca.crt>` \
      --set scanner.skipVerify=false \
      lacework-admission-controller lacework/admission-controller
  3. Display the pods for verification:

    kubectl get pods -n lacework

Option 3: Download and Install the Helm Charts Manually

Install the Proxy Scanner Manually

  1. Get the latest copy of the Proxy Scanner from the Lacework Helm Charts repository.

    The file will be in the format of proxy-scanner-<version>.tgz.

  2. Extract the Proxy Scanner files into your current working directory:

    tar -xvf proxy-scanner-*.tgz

    This creates the 'proxy-scanner' directory containing the related files.

  3. Edit the proxy-scanner/values.yaml file to configure the Proxy Scanner for on-demand scans (follow the links for instructions on how to populate the configuration). There are also example configurations available to view for each authentication type.

  4. Install the Proxy Scanner:

    helm install -n lacework --create-namespace lacework-proxy-scanner ./proxy-scanner
  5. Display the pods for verification:

    kubectl get pods -n lacework

Install the Admission Controller Webhook Manually

  1. Get the latest copy of the Admission Controller from the Lacework Helm Charts repository.

    The file will be in the format of admission-controller-<version>.tgz.

  2. Extract the Admission Controller Webhook files into your current working directory:

    tar -xvf admission-controller-*.tgz

    This creates the 'admission-controller' directory containing the related files.

  3. Provide the certificate entries in values.yaml for the Admission Controller.

    name: lacework-admission-certs
    serverCertificate: "<base64_webhook.crt>"
    serverKey: "<base64_webhook.key>"

    caBundle: "<base64_webhook_ca.crt>"

    Provide the full Base64 encoded strings for the certificates encapsulated in double quotes.

  4. Install the Admission Controller Webhook:

    helm install -n lacework --create-namespace lacework-admission-controller ./admission-controller
  5. Display the pods for verification:

    kubectl get pods -n lacework

Configurable Parameters for Admission Controller Webhook

The following table lists all parameters for the Admission Controller Webhook configurable in the values.yaml file:

logger.debugSet to enable debug loggingfalseNO
certs.nameSecret name for Helios certshelios-admission-certsNO
certs.serverCertificateCertificate for TLS authentication with the Kubernetes api-serverN/AYES
certs.serverKeyCertificate key for TLS authentication with the Kubernetes api-serverN/AYES
webhooks.caBundleRoot certificate for TLS authentication with the Kubernetes api-serverN/AYES
policy.block_execSet to enable 'exec' shell access to a Kubernetes pod.falseNO
policy.bypass_scopeCSV of namespaces to bypasskube-system,kube-public,lacework,lacework-devNO
nodeSelectorKubernetes node selector{}NO
scanner.serverLacework proxy scanner namelacework-proxy-scannerNO
scanner.namespaceNamespace in which it is deployedlaceworkNO
scanner.skipVerifySSL between the webhook and the scannertrueNO
scanner.caCertRoot cert of scannerN/ANO
scanner.timeoutContext deadline timeout30NO
scanner.defaultRegistryDefault registry to use when one is not provided in the image nameindex.docker.ioNO
admission.excluded_resourcesList of resources to skip admission reviewN/ANO
scanner.blockOnErrorBlock admission request if proxy scanner returns errorfalseYES

scanner.defaultRegistry Configuration

If the scanner.defaultRegistry value is changed to be empty (the default value of would need to be removed), the registry must also be provided when supplying the image name that you want to scan.

Configuring Parameters After Installation


You can configure parameters using Helm after an installation, but the changes will not become active until you redeploy.

Configure parameters by using either of the following methods:

Method 1: Make Changes to values.yaml

Make your changes to the values.yaml and push them through Helm:

Example for Admission Controller Webhook
helm upgrade --values values.yaml lacework-admission-controller lacework/admission-controller
Example for Proxy Scanner
helm upgrade --values values.yaml lacework-proxy-scanner lacework/proxy-scanner

Method 2: Set Values Directly

Set values directly using Helm:

Example for Admission Controller Webhook
helm upgrade --set logger.debug=true lacework-admission-controller lacework/admission-controller
Example for Proxy Scanner
helm upgrade --set default_registry="" lacework-proxy-scanner lacework/proxy-scanner

Default Scan Behavior

If a Kubernetes image tag is not specified during a scan, the latest tag is used by default.

Next Steps