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This topic describes functionality that is currently in preview.


The Dashboard provides a holistic view of your cloud environment where you can track progress of your security posture.

This includes the following:

  • Choose and configure risk metrics and definitions that matter the most to your organization.
  • Track the progress of these metrics for each resource group in your environment.
  • View current and historical trends of your overall security posture.


Before you start to configure and use the Lacework Dashboard, integrate your environment with Lacework:


The Dashboard metrics are populated once Lacework has ingested at least one day's worth of data from your environment.


  • Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) environment data are not displayed in the dashboard.

Configure the Dashboard

Click the Configure button to choose the metrics and resource groups to display.

You can reconfigure your current view at any time by clicking the Configure option again (click Save).

Enable or Disable Alert Overview

Click the slider to enable or disable the alert overview.

Select Resource Groups

Choose the resource groups that you want to track the metrics for on the dashboard.

Click in the box to view all available resource groups.

Both default and custom resource groups are displayed. Add or remove them as desired.

New Resource Groups

At least one day's worth of data is required for newly created resource groups to show information in the dashboard.

Choose your Risk Metrics

Choose the risk metrics to display in the Dashboard. The following table describes the available options:

Risk MetricDescription
Attack path analysisTrack the overall potential for malicious attacks due to misconfiguration of resources with Attack Path Analysis metric data.
Container vulnerabilitiesTrack vulnerable container images in your environment with Container Vulnerability metric data.
Host vulnerabilitiesTrack vulnerable hosts in your environment with Host Vulnerability metric data.
IdentitiesTrack cloud identities deemed at risk with Entitlement Management metric data.
ComplianceTrack non-compliant resources or policies with Compliance (CSPM/KSPM) metric data.

Choose your Risk Definitions

Define the constraints of the risk metrics that you have chosen to display. The following tables describe the available options:

Risk DefinitionDescription
Severity risk level of resourcesChoose the severity levels to track for the overall potential of malicious attack due to misconfiguration of resources. The severity level applies to resources with an attack path.

Save Views


See Views Management for general guidance on how to create new views, switch between them, and set your default view.

The Save option becomes available after creating your first view. Click Save on the Dashboard to either:

  • Overwrite view - Apply your current filters to your current view and save.
  • Save as new - Create a new view based on your current filter selection and configuration.

Save your views to prevent them from being overwritten.

Date Picker

The date picker lets you choose the time period for your Dashboard metric data.

To change the assessment date, click Custom from the drop-down, then select a date from the calendar. After a custom date is selected, use the horizontal arrows to move to the next/previous time period.

View Metrics on the Dashboard

The data displayed on the Dashboard is split into Risk Metrics, Resource Group Metrics, and Top Security Risks.

Your chosen configuration and view determines what metrics are displayed.

View your Alerts

The open alerts in your environment are displayed here, split by severity.

Click on the severity link to be taken to the Alerts page. The severity you have selected will be applied as the filter, as well as the chosen date range.

View your Risk Metrics

Your risk metrics present the overall percentage change in security posture for each metric. This is based on what the total figure was at the beginning date compared with the total figure at the end date.

Available actions:

  • Hover over a risk metric and click the Apply as filter option to only display resource group metrics for that specific risk metric.
    • Click the Remove filter option when hovering on the risk metric to switch back.

View your Resource Group Metrics

Your resource group metrics present the overall percentage change in security posture for your chosen risk metrics in each resource group. This is based on what the total figures were at the beginning date compared with the total figure at the end date.

Available actions:

  • Sort ascending/descending.
  • Sort by a variety of metric data options.
  • Search for specific text within a resource group name (for example: entering All AWS Resources displays the default resource group by the same name).
  • Hover over a resource group and click the Expanded view option to only display risk metrics for that specific resource group.
    • Click Back to all Resource groups to switch back.

View your Top Security Risks

The riskiest resources, identities, and assets for each risk metric are displayed here.

Available actions:

  • Click the Refresh option to refresh the table data.
  • Click the Download CSV option to download the table in CSV format with additional columns that provide more detail.
  • Click the Select columns option to change the columns displayed.
  • Click on a column title to sort ascending/descending for that column.
  • Click Display to change the number of entries displayed.

Download: CSV Column Descriptions

The tables below describe each column in the downloadable CSVs.

Top identity risks
CSV ColumnDescription
ACCOUNT_ALIASThe cloud account alias that the identity is found in.
ACCOUNT_IDThe cloud account ID (for example, the AWS Account ID) that the identity is found in.
IDENTITY_NAMEThe identity name (for example, the AWS IAM Role name).
RESOURCE_TAGSThe cloud resource tags found for the identity (if any).
RISK_SCOREThe Risk Severity of the identity.
URNThe unique resource name for the identity.
USED_ENTITLEMENTS_PERCENTThe percentage of the total granted entitlements to this identity that are used.
IDENTITY_URNLacework internal.
ENTITLEMENTS_COUNTThe number of the total granted entitlements for this identity.
ENTITLEMENTS_USED_COUNTThe number of the total granted entitlements that are used.
IDENTITY_TYPEThe type of identity (for example, an AWS instance profile).
LINKED_IDENTITIES_COUNTThe number of identities that are linked to this identity. When a linked identity is established, it lets users authenticate themselves using their credentials from the external identity provider, and the cloud service provider verifies the identity and grants access based on the linked association.
RESOURCES_COUNTThe number of resources that the identity is entitled to use.
RESOURCES_USED_COUNTThe number of resources that the identity has used that it is entitled to. A used resource refers to any digital asset that is utilized or interacted with by users, applications, or processes within the cloud environment.
SERVICES_COUNTThe number of services that the identity is entitled to access.
SERVICES_USED_COUNTThe number of services that the identity has accessed that it is entitled to. A used service refers to a specific cloud service that is utilized or interacted with by users, applications, or processes within the cloud environment.
Top non-compliant resources
CSV ColumnDescription
RESOURCE_IDThe resource identifier (can be the same as the URN or a short name).
URNThe unique resource name.
RULE_ID_VIOLATIONSThe total number of compliance policy violations on the resource.
NUM_REC_IDAn array of frameworks containing compliance policies that apply to this resource.
NUM_CRITICAL_VIOLATIONSThe number of critical severity compliance policy violations on the resource.
NUM_HIGH_VIOLATIONSThe number of high severity compliance policy violations on the resource.
NUM_MEDIUM_VIOLATIONSThe number of medium severity compliance policy violations on the resource.
NUM_LOW_VIOLATIONSThe number of low severity compliance policy violations on the resource.
NUM_INFO_VIOLATIONSThe number of info severity compliance policy violations on the resource.
Top vulnerable containers
CSV ColumnDescription
IMAGE_IDThe SHA-256 identifier of the image.
IMAGE_REGISTRYThe image registry.
IMAGE_REPOThe image repository.
RISK_SCORELW Risk Score for the image.
INTERNET_REACHABLEWhether one or more containers using this image are exposed to the internet or not.
NUM_VULNTotal number of vulnerabilities found on the image.
NUM_CRITICAL_VULNSNumber of Critical vulnerabilities found on the image.
NUM_HIGH_VULNSNumber of High vulnerabilities found on the image.
NUM_MEDIUM_VULNSNumber of Medium vulnerabilities found on the image.
NUM_LOW_VULNSNumber of Low vulnerabilities found on the image.
NUM_INFO_VULNSNumber of Info vulnerabilities found on the image.
NUM_FIXABLE_CRITICAL_VULNSNumber of Critical and Fixable vulnerabilities found on the image.
NUM_FIXABLE_HIGH_VULNSNumber of High and Fixable vulnerabilities found on the image.
NUM_FIXABLE_MEDIUM_VULNSNumber of Medium and Fixable vulnerabilities found on the image.
NUM_FIXABLE_LOW_VULNSNumber of Low and Fixable vulnerabilities found on the image.
NUM_FIXABLE_INFO_VULNSNumber of Info and Fixable vulnerabilities found on the image.
Top vulnerable hosts
CSV ColumnDescription
HOSTNAMEThe internal hostname of the machine.
MIDThe Machine ID for the host.
RISK_SCORELW Risk Score for the host.
INTERNET_REACHABLEWhether the host is exposed to the internet or not.
NUM_VULNTotal number of vulnerabilities found on the host.
NUM_CRITICAL_VULNSNumber of Critical vulnerabilities found on the host.
NUM_HIGH_VULNSNumber of High vulnerabilities found on the host.
NUM_MEDIUM_VULNSNumber of Medium vulnerabilities found on the host.
NUM_LOW_VULNSNumber of Low vulnerabilities found on the host.
NUM_INFO_VULNSNumber of Info vulnerabilities found on the host.
NUM_FIXABLE_CRITICAL_VULNSNumber of Critical and Fixable vulnerabilities found on the host.
NUM_FIXABLE_HIGH_VULNSNumber of High and Fixable vulnerabilities found on the host.
NUM_FIXABLE_MEDIUM_VULNSNumber of Medium and Fixable vulnerabilities found on the host.
NUM_FIXABLE_LOW_VULNSNumber of Low and Fixable vulnerabilities found on the host.
NUM_FIXABLE_INFO_VULNSNumber of Info and Fixable vulnerabilities found on the host.
MACHINE_IMAGEThe machine image for the host (for example, an AMI ID).
Top resources by attack paths
CSV ColumnDescription
URNThe unique resource name.
RESOURCE_IDThe resource identifier (can be the same as the URN or a short name).
INTERNET_REACHABLEWhether the resource is exposed to the internet or not.
NUM_CRITICAL_PATHSNumber of Critical severity attack paths found for the resource.
NUM_HIGH_PATHSNumber of High severity attack paths found for the resource.
NUM_MEDIUM_PATHSNumber of Medium severity attack paths found for the resource.
NUM_LOW_PATHSNumber of Low severity attack paths found for the resource.
NUM_INFO_PATHSNumber of Info severity attack paths found for the resource.
NUM_PATHSTotal number of attack paths found for the resource.

Lacework Organization Dashboard

When logged in as a Lacework Organization admin/user, the following differences apply:

  • Instead of selecting and viewing resource groups during configuration, you can select and view Lacework Organization sub-accounts.
    • Once the sub-accounts are selected, each individual sub-account is displayed with condensed trend charts for all chosen risk metrics.
    • For each sub-account, click the Go to account option to be taken to the sub-account's dashboard.
  • When downloading Top Security Risk CSVs, an additional ACCOUNT_KEY column describes the associated Lacework sub-account that the entity belongs to.

Alert overview by subaccounts

The Lacework Organization dashboard displays an alert summary for each sub-account in a table.

Available actions:

  • Use the Sort option to adjust the table as desired.
  • Use the Search to find accounts by name.
  • Click the Download option to download the table in CSV format.
  • Click the Table settings option to change the table style and the columns displayed.
  • Click on a column title to sort ascending/descending for that column.
  • Click and drag a column title to adjust the order of the columns.
  • Click on an account row value to be taken to the sub-account's dashboard or alerts page with the relevant filter applied.
  • Click Display to change the number of entries displayed.


Why are some cloud accounts showing as non-compliant when they contain no related resources?

Cloud accounts can be displayed as a non-compliant resource even when there is no related resource (within the account) that can be assessed for compliance.

This will occur if the cloud account is missing a resource that is required to ensure compliance of the account.

For example, lacework-global-65 requires that a log metric filter and alarm exist for VPC changes. If neither the filter nor alarm exist, then the AWS account is marked as non-compliant.

To check the cause of the non-compliance:

  1. Click on the cloud account in the Top non-compliant resources table row.
  2. Click the hyperlink in Compliance Findings in the resource overview.
  3. This will display the Related Compliance Violations for the cloud account.
Spike of non-compliant resources on 25th March 2024

Related to this, a fix was released on 25th March 2024 to include cloud accounts that are non-compliant due to compliance policy violations (even when there is no related resource for the cloud account).

Top non-compliant resources: Why are some AWS resources listed with a Lacework unique resource name (URN) instead of an Amazon resource name (ARN)?

When there is no associated ARN found for an AWS resource, Lacework will display a generated unique resource name instead.