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Ensure That the Log Metric Filter and Alerts Exist for VPC Network Route Changes (Automated)

Profile Applicability

• Level 1


Establish a metric filter and alarm for Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) network route changes.


Google Cloud Platform (GCP) routes define the paths network traffic takes from a VM instance to another destination. The other destination can be inside the organization VPC network (such as another VM) or outside of it. Every route consists of a destination and a next hop. Traffic whose destination IP is within the destination range is sent to the next hop for delivery.

Monitoring changes to route tables will help ensure that all VPC traffic flows through an expected path.


Enabling of logging may result in your project being charged for the additional logs usage.


From Console:

Ensure that the prescribed Log metric is present:

  1. Go to Logging/Logs-based Metrics by visiting
  2. In the User-defined Metrics section, ensure that at least one metric <Log_Metric_Name> is present with the filter text:
AND (protoPayload.methodName:"compute.routes.delete"
OR protoPayload.methodName:"compute.routes.insert"

Ensure the prescribed alerting policy is present:

  1. Go to Alerting by visiting:
  2. Under the Policies section, ensure that at least one alert policy exists for the log metric above. Clicking on the policy should show that it is configured with a condition. For example, Violates when: Any<Log Metric Name> stream is above a threshold of 0 for greater than zero(0) seconds means that the alert will trigger for any new owner change. Verify that the chosen alert thresholds make sense for the user's organization.
  3. Ensure that the appropriate notification channels have been set up.

From Command Line:

Ensure the prescribed log metric is present:

  1. List the log metrics:
gcloud beta logging metrics list --format json
  1. Ensure that the output contains at least one metric with the filter set to:
AND (protoPayload.methodName:"compute.routes.delete"
OR protoPayload.methodName:"compute.routes.insert"
  1. Note the value of the property metricDescriptor.type for the identified metric, in the format<Log Metric Name>.

Ensure that the prescribed alerting policy is present:

  1. List the alerting policies:
gcloud alpha monitoring policies list --format json
  1. Ensure that the output contains an least one alert policy where:
  • conditions.conditionThreshold.filter is set to metric.type=\"<Log Metric Name>\"
  • AND enabled is set to true


From Console:

Create the prescribed Log Metric:

  1. Go to Logging/Logs-based Metrics by visiting and click "CREATE METRIC".
  2. Click the down arrow symbol on the Filter Bar at the rightmost corner and select 'Convert to Advanced Filter'.
  3. Clear any text and add:
AND (protoPayload.methodName:"compute.routes.delete"
OR protoPayload.methodName:"compute.routes.insert")
  1. Click Submit Filter. Display logs appear based on the filter text entered by the user.
  2. In the Metric Editor menu on the right, fill out the name field. Set Units to 1 (default) and Type to Counter. This ensures that the log metric counts the number of log entries matching the user's advanced logs query.
  3. Click Create Metric.

Create the prescribed alert policy:

  1. Identify the newly created metric under the section User-defined Metrics at
  2. Click the 3-dot icon in the rightmost column for the new metric and select Create alert from Metric. A new page displays.
  3. Fill out the alert policy configuration and click Save. Choose the alerting threshold and configuration that makes sense for the user's organization. For example, a threshold of zero(0) for the most recent value triggers a notification for every owner change in the project:
Set 'Aggregator' to 'Count'
Set 'Configuration':
- Condition: above
- Threshold: 0
- For: most recent value
  1. Configure the desired notification channels in the section Notifications.
  2. Name the policy and click Save.

From Command Line:

Create the prescribed Log Metric:

Create the prescribed the alert policy:
