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Use a Network Proxy for Windows Agent Traffic

The Lacework Windows agent supports transparent HTTP proxies. When you install the agent in a Windows environment with a proxy configured, the agent attempts a connection through the configured proxy server automatically. If connections still fail, or you want to use a specific proxy for the agent, you can do one of the following:

  • Specify the proxyurl property in the config.json file
  • Use the PROXYURL option when you install the agent through the command line.

The Windows agent does not support SOCKS proxies.


Ensure that the configured proxy is a WinHTTP proxy using the following command as administrator:

netsh winhttp show proxy

Specify a Proxy for the Agent in the Configuration File

To configure the agent to use a specific proxy:

  1. Navigate to the C:\ProgramData\Lacework folder with administrator privileges and open the config.json file in a text editor.

  2. Add the proxy information to the config.json file, as follows: "proxyurl:"http://Your_Proxy_Server:Your_Port"

    Where Your_Proxy_Server is the URL or IP address of your HTTP proxy server and Your_Port is the port number of your proxy server.

    If the agent should not use a proxy, regardless of the machine’s configuration, specify the following in the config.json file:


  3. Restart the Windows agent to enable the config.json file changes. For instructions, see Restart Windows Agent.

Specify a Proxy for the Agent through the Command Line

To configure the agent to use a specific proxy during installation in the command line, use the following command:

C:\Users\Administrator> msiexec.exe /i LWDataCollector.msi ACCESSTOKEN=Your_Access_Token SERVERURL=Your_API_Endpoint PROXYURL=http://Your_Proxy_Server:Your_Port

Where Your_Proxy_Server is the URL or IP address of your HTTP proxy server and Your_Port is the port number of your proxy server.

If the agent should not use a proxy, regardless of the machine’s configuration, use the following command during installation:

C:\Users\Administrator> msiexec.exe /i LWDataCollector.msi ACCESSTOKEN=Your_Access_Token SERVERURL=Your_API_Endpoint PROXYURL=direct