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Disable Kubernetes Web UI (Automated)


The Kubernetes Web UI (Dashboard) has been a historical source of vulnerability. You should only deploy Kubernetes Web UI when necessary.


Note: The Kubernetes web UI (Dashboard) does not have administrator access by default in Kubernetes version 1.7 and newer. The Kubernetes web UI is default disabled in Kubernetes version 1.10 and newer.

In Kuberntetes version 1.15 and newer, the Kubernetes web UI add-on KubernetesDashboard is no longer supported as a managed add-on.

Using Google Cloud Console:

Currently not possible due to removal of the add-on. Must use the command line.

Using Command Line:

To disable the Kubernetes Dashboard on an existing cluster, run the following command:

gcloud container clusters update <cluster_name> --zone <zone> --update-addons=KubernetesDashboard=DISABLED.
