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Consider Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) Sandbox for running untrusted workloads (Automated)


Use GKE Sandbox to restrict untrusted workloads as an additional layer of protection when running in a multi-tenant environment.


After creating a node pool, it is not possible to enable GKE Sandbox, rather you must create a new node pool.

The default node pool (the first node pool in the cluster, created during cluster creation) cannot use GKE Sandbox.

Using Google Cloud Console:

  1. Go to Kubernetes Engine by visiting:
  2. Select a cluster and click Add Node Pool.
  3. Configure the Node pool with following settings:
    • For the node version, select v1.12.6-gke.8 or higher.
    • For the node image, select Container-Optimized OS with Containerd (cos_containerd) (default).
    • Under Security, select Enable sandbox with gVisor.
  4. Configure other Node pool settings as required.
  5. Click CREATE.

Using Command Line:

To enable GKE Sandbox on an existing cluster, you must create a new node pool, which you can do using:

gcloud container node-pools create <node_pool_name> --zone <compute_zone> --cluster <cluster_name> --image-type=cos_containerd --sandbox="type=gvisor"


Additional Information

When using GKE Sandbox, the cluster must have at least two node pools. There must always be at least one node pool with GKE Sandbox disabled. This node pool must contain at least one node. It is optional but recommended to enable Stackdriver Logging and Stackdriver Monitoring by adding the flag --enable-stackdriver-kubernetes. This logs gVisor messages.