April 2020 Platform Releases
New Features
- Call a Lacework API Operation with an Organization Account—You can call a Lacework API operation using an account in an organization. For more information, see the Role-Based API Authentication for Organizations section in API Access Keys and Tokens.
- Support for mycompany.jira.com domains in the Jira alert channel—The Jira alert channel supports domains in the following format: mycompany.jira.com, where mycompany is your company domain. For more information, see JIRA.
- Map Lacework Severities to Jira Priorities—Support for creating a custom JSON template to specify how Lacework alert severities are mapped to Jira priorities. For more information, see JIRA.
- Integrations Patch and Delete API Operations—Lacework supports the following Integrations API operations:
- Delete /api/v1/external/integrations/{INTG_GUID}—Delete the integration identified by the passed in INTG_GUID.
- Patch /api/v1/external/integrations/updateStatus/{INTG_GUID}—Enable or disable the integration identified by the passed in INTG_GUID.
- In addition, more types of integrations are supported by the Lacework integrations operations. For more information, see the Get /api/v1/external/integrations/schema/{TYPE} API documentation. The Lacework API documentation is available directly from your Lacework Application at the following URI: https://YourLacework.lacework.net/api/v1/external/docs, where YourLacework is your Lacework Application. For more information, see Access and Run the Lacework API.