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lacework generate cloud-account oci

Generate and/or execute Terraform code for OCI integration


Use this command to generate Terraform code for deploying Lacework into an OCI tenant.

By default, this command interactively prompts for the required information to setup the new cloud account. In interactive mode, this command will:

  • Prompt for the required information to setup the integration
  • Generate new Terraform code using the inputs
  • Optionally, run the generated Terraform code:
    • If Terraform is already installed, the version is verified as compatible for use
    • If Terraform is not installed, or the version installed is not compatible, a new version will be installed into a temporary location
    • Once Terraform is detected or installed, Terraform plan will be executed
    • The command will prompt with the outcome of the plan and allow to view more details or continue with Terraform apply
    • If confirmed, Terraform apply will be run, completing the setup of the cloud account

This command can also be run in noninteractive mode. See help output for more details on the parameter value(s) required for Terraform code generation.

lacework generate cloud-account oci [flags]


      --apply                   run terraform apply without executing plan or prompting
--config enable configuration integration
--config_name string specify name of configuration integration
-h, --help help for oci
--oci_user_email string specify the email address to associate with the integration OCI user
--output string location to write generated content (default is ~/lacework/oci)
--tenant_ocid string specify the OCID of the tenant to integrate

Options inherited from parent commands

  -a, --account string      account subdomain of URL (i.e. <ACCOUNT>
-k, --api_key string access key id
-s, --api_secret string secret access key
--api_token string access token (replaces the use of api_key and api_secret)
--debug turn on debug logging
--json switch commands output from human-readable to json format
--nocache turn off caching
--nocolor turn off colors
--noninteractive turn off interactive mode (disable spinners, prompts, etc.)
--organization access organization level data sets (org admins only)
-p, --profile string switch between profiles configured at ~/.lacework.toml
--subaccount string sub-account name inside your organization (org admins only)