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lacework query create

Create a query


There are multiple ways you can create a query:

  • Typing the query into your default editor (via $EDITOR)
  • Piping a query to the Lacework CLI command (via $STDIN)
  • From a local file on disk using the flag '--file'
  • From a URL using the flag '--url'

There are also multiple formats you can use to define a query:

  • Javascript Object Notation (JSON)
  • YAML Ain't Markup Language (YAML)

To launch your default editor and create a new query.

lacework lql create

The following example checks for unrestricted ingress to TCP port 445:

queryId: LW_Custom_UnrestrictedIngressToTCP445
queryText: |-
source {
array_to_rows(a.RESOURCE_CONFIG:IpPermissions) as (ip_permissions),
array_to_rows(ip_permissions:IpRanges) as (ip_ranges)
filter {
ip_permissions:IpProtocol = 'tcp'
and ip_permissions:FromPort = 445
and ip_permissions:ToPort = 445
and ip_ranges:CidrIp = ''
return distinct {

A query is represented using JSON or YAML markup and must specify both 'queryId' and 'queryText' keys. The above query uses YAML, specifies an identifier of 'LW_Custom_UnrestrictedIngressToTCP445', and identifies AWS EC2 security groups with unrestricted access to TCP port 445. The queryText is expressed in Lacework Query Language (LQL) syntax which is delimited by '{ }' and contains three sections:

  • Source data is specified in the 'source' clause. The source of data is the 'LW_CFG_AWS_EC2_SECURITY_GROUPS' datasource. LQL queries generally refer to other datasources, and customizable policies always target a suitable datasource.

  • Records of interest are specified by the 'filter' clause. In the example, the records available in 'LW_CFG_AWS_EC2_SECURITY_GROUPS' are filtered for those whose IP protocol is 'tcp', whose from and to port is '445', and CidrIP is ''. The syntax for this filtering expression strongly resembles SQL.

  • The fields this query exposes are listed in the 'return' clause. Because there may be unwanted duplicates among result records when Lacework composes them from just these four columns, the distinct modifier is added. This behaves like a SQL 'SELECT DISTINCT'. Each returned column in this case is just a field that is present in 'LW_CFG_AWS_EC2_SECURITY_GROUPS', but you can compose results by manipulating strings, dates, JSON and numbers as well.

The resulting dataset is shaped like a table. The table's columns are named with the names of the columns selected. If desired, you could alias them to other names as well.

For more information about LQL, visit:

lacework query create [flags]


  -f, --file string   path to a query to create
-h, --help help for create
-u, --url string url to a query to create

Options inherited from parent commands

  -a, --account string      account subdomain of URL (i.e. <ACCOUNT>
-k, --api_key string access key id
-s, --api_secret string secret access key
--api_token string access token (replaces the use of api_key and api_secret)
--debug turn on debug logging
--json switch commands output from human-readable to json format
--nocache turn off caching
--nocolor turn off colors
--noninteractive turn off interactive mode (disable spinners, prompts, etc.)
--organization access organization level data sets (org admins only)
-p, --profile string switch between profiles configured at ~/.lacework.toml
--subaccount string sub-account name inside your organization (org admins only)