October 2022 Platform Releases
Release Notes
- Three new reports released for AWS Compliance - The following reports are now available for AWS Compliance:
- AWS Cloud Security Alliance Cloud Control Matrix (CSA CCM) v4.0.5
- AWS Cyber Essentials 2.2 Report
- AWS ISO/IEC 27002:2022 See Reports Overview for a full list of available reports for AWS.
- Interactive Alerts - The new alerting experience enables you to access all alerts for all sources on a single page and effortlessly manage the collaboration process to resolve security issues via the bidirectional integration with Jira. For more information, see Alerts.
- API Support for Bidirectional Alerts - You can now configure bidirectional Jira alert channels with the Lacework API. When creating or updating a Jira alert channel, set the
field toBidirectional
to have alerts generate Jira issues that are status-tracked in the alert timeline. The API responds with a web hook URL you use to configure the integration in Jira. For more information, see Alert Channels in the Lacework API documentation. - New Reports - The new Reports page provides better navigation and more built-in filters, enabling you to access all assessments for all cloud providers seamlessly. For more information, see Reports.
- Infrastructure as Code (IaC) configuration modes - Lacework now provides Audit Mode (default) and Enforce Static Check Mode scanning. You can block pipelines/pull or merge requests based on IaC scan results. Both scanning modes will scan repositories and post comments to pull requests.
Public Preview
- AWS Organization integrations using Terraform are now available for Agentless Workload Scanning - See AWS - Integrate Agentless Workload Scanning with Terraform for guidance.
- Agentless data is now shown in the Machine tag summary table - The Machine tag summary table on the Machines dossier (Resources > Host > Machines) is now updated with Agentless scan data.
- New table in Agents Dossier displays instances that have no agent or agentless coverage - Access the Agent Dossier through the Lacework Console by going to Resources > Agents. See Agent Dossier for details.